Miscellaneous functions

Memory dynamically allocated in the Client Lib needs to be released with:

unsigned int ts3client_freeMemory(pointer); 
void* pointer;


char* version;

if(ts3client_getClientLibVersion(&version) == ERROR_ok) {
    printf("Version: %s\n", version);

Memory must not be released if the function, which dynamically allocated the memory, returned an error. In that case, the result is undefined and not initialized, so freeing the memory might crash the application.

Instead of sending the sound through the network, it can be routed directly through the playback device, so the user will get immediate audible feedback when for example configuring some sound settings.

unsigned int ts3client_setLocalTestMode(serverConnectionHandlerID,  
uint64 serverConnectionHandlerID;

Returns ERROR_ok on success, otherwise an error code as defined in public_errors.h.

With the delayed temporary channel deletion feature, users can define after how many seconds a temporary channel will be deleted after the last client has left the channel. The delay is defined by setting the channel variable CHANNEL_DELETE_DELAY. This variable can be set and queried as described in channel information.

To query the time in seconds since the last client has left a temporary channel, call:

unsigned int ts3client_getChannelEmptySecs(serverConnectionHandlerID,  
uint64 serverConnectionHandlerID;
uint64 channelID;
int* result;